• Form

It is the primary structure of a musical composition. information technology is used to determine a specific genre or musical type. This is related with the interpretation, the technique used… Here we can observe binary, ternary, 4th forms; diferent variations.


  • Harmony

It is said that harmony refers to the «vertical» aspect of music. Therefore, the music has  horizontal and vertical aspects. The horizontal aspect is related with the melody (the succession of notes in time and infinite). The notes that are written vertically are interpreted at the same time. In short, it refers to the guild between the notes that are simultaneously interpreted in a composition.


  • Elevation

Height has come to be used to refer to the quality of sound thay it is high or low. Information technology depends on dissimilar context or person. For instance «FA» is higher tan «Practise» or when nosotros talk we accept different tone of voice. The reprodution of sound with keight could exist achueved via whatever arrangement of loudspeakers. This phenomenon makes that nosotros hear loftier pitched  coming from abouve and low tones coming from below too.


  • Intensity

Intestity has come to be used to refer to the strengh of someting that can be measured. In this instance, nosotros tin can mesure the audio. It is a important property of musical tone: the quality of sound that can be loud or soft. It is related with the term «summit», because Intensity is governed by their height. Intensity is essential in music considering without intensity the clumax is linear and wearisome.


  • Lenght

The term «lenght» referts to duration or extent in fourth dimension. So it is the duration or stress of a sound.  It is the quality of sound that could exist high or depression, so that we can compare with other sounds.


  • Measure out

There are two vertical bar lines on a staff. A measure is the space between these two lines. The aim is to measure a time that contains a  number of pulses that are defined by a time signature. In that location is a natural division of different beats. We can measure a group of notes and at that place are unlike bar lines that show where i measure ends and another begins.

  • two-measure-track-02
  • Melody

Tune includes unlike heights and lengths. Therefore, it is related with time. It is a design that contains motility and dissimilar cadences. The interaction of the outline, the rhythmic movements and cadences produce many different melodies. The succession of sounds in different heights are moved through the footstep and produce a melody.


  • Pitch

It is a feature of sound and it is connected with music. Pitch is the frequency at which a given sound vibrates. In other words, information technology is the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it: and this is connected with the degree of highness or lowness of a tone.


  • Pulse

Information technology can be defined as the unit that offers us the possibility of measuring time. It is the set of keystrokes that are fabricated repeated or abiding and nosotros tin can dissever it into fourth dimension. The pulse is usually regular although there may be changes in time. Cheers to the pulse, we tin can differentiate the musical notes and rests within a composition. In other words, is the move of the applause or the movement of the foot when we listen to a song.


  • Rhythm

What Rhythm makes is to organice musical sounds into patterns of fourth dimension duration. Duration is some other characteristic of soud and it is the lenght of a audio in time. Rhythm includes different patterns of sounds: short and long sounds (silence besides). It is the same of strong and weak beats (irregular durations of pattern)


  • Texture

Texture shows the density. That is the number of voices or instruments a piece of music may incorporate. It s the mode we combine sounds within a musical composition.


  • Timbre

It is the quality of the sound that permit to differentiate one sounds from others. When an instrument transport out a sound, it produce frequencies at the same time. Timbre is what differentiate, for example, the sound of the flute and the piano. The pregnant of timbre is personal, information technology depends on our identity of a human-being also.

It is a complex definition, so I have researched a lilliputian about what the timbre is and  I like and so much one phrase: Timbre is to sound as a color ir to paint.
