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Are There Any Exercise Acat Can Do to Heal a Hip Too Help Him Walk Again

Your leg muscles may feel weak later surgery because yous did not use them much with your hip problems. Surgery corrected the hip problem. Your habitation exercise program will include activities to help reduce swelling and increment your hip forcefulness. This will help you move easier and get back to doing the activities you relish.

Your success with rehabilitation largely depends on your commitment to follow the dwelling do program adult by your therapists.

Yous tin rails how ofttimes you do your exercises on the habitation practice program tracking sheet.


It is of import to try to go on your swelling down after surgery. You will be able to do this by:

  • lying flat with your leg at the level of your heart
  • putting a cold pack on your hip
  • actively pumping your muscles through ankle pumps
  • balancing activeness with rest

Go to activities that will help with swelling.

Strengthening activities

It is important to work on regaining force later hip surgery. This volition help y'all get back to doing the things yous enjoy. You will exist able to practise this by doing leg strengthening exercises as instructed by your physical therapist.

Go to activities that will help with strengthening.


It is important to walk often throughout the day. This will aid you get back to walking outside and in the community. You will exist able to do this by:

  • walking around your home using a front-wheel walker, crutches or a cane (assistive walking device) your therapist instructed y'all to use
  • walking with the "heel-toe" pattern that your therapist taught you (to help proceed yous from walking with a limp)
  • gradually increasing the altitude yous walk

Become additional instructions on how often to walk.

Follow any additional instructions given to you lot by your health care provider or therapist.


Do these activities to help reduce the amount of swelling and improve apportionment after surgery.
How oft: At least 3 times a day

You volition take swelling in your leg and pes after surgery. Your swelling may increase after you lot leave the hospital. This is common and should gradually go away. Information technology is important to attempt to go along your swelling down. The activities beneath will assist you with managing swelling and pain.

rest elevate updated

Residual and drag

  • Lie downwards with your surgical leg at or above the level of your heart for at least xx minutes.
  • Yous may place two to three pillows lengthwise below your surgical leg if you lot have an increase in swelling. Call your surgeon if you lot are concerned about the amount of swelling y'all have or if your swelling does not improve.

Water ice

  • While you are resting and elevating, place cold packs around your hip for xv to 20 minutes at a time.
  • Place a clean, dry towel or pillowcase between your skin and the cold pack.

Ankle pumping for circulation

Practise the post-obit exercises 10 times each while you are lying downwards resting.

ankle pumps and circles

  • Ankle pumps and circles
    Pump your feet up and downwards by pulling your anxiety up toward you, so pushing your feet down abroad from you. In addition, rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise.Ankle pumps should also be washed 10 times every hour while you are awake.


  • Information technology is important to gradually increase your out-of-home activity during the outset few weeks after surgery. If you lot do too much activity, your hip may become more swollen and painful.


Do these exercises to strengthen your muscles.
How often: 2 to 3 times a day

Do 10 repetitions of each exercise. If you are comfortable with the exercises, gradually increment the number of repetitions until you achieve 20 repetitions.

Practise your exercises lying downwards for the most comfort. Your bed is an excellent place to do your exercises.


How often: 5 times a mean solar day

Besides your do program, you must exit time for walking. It helps build your force and endurance.

  • Walk around your home five times a solar day. Trips to the bathroom or kitchen are not enough.
  • Gradually increase the altitude you walk. Work up to walking outside and in the customs.

Keep in mind that each person is different and has different pre-surgery levels of fitness. Talk with your physical therapist virtually walking if you have additional medical conditions.
