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For All Practical Purposes 10th Edition Chapter 2

Math 181: A Mathematical World

Section D2

Spring 2013

Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois

[Syllbus] [Time Table] [Instructor & TA] [Prerequisites] [Textbook] [Tests] [Grading Policy] [Quizzes and others] [More Info.]


This is the webpage for section D2 of Math 181, A Mathematical World. We will use in this course the textbook, For All Practical Purposes: Mathematical Literacy In Today's World. 9th ed, W.H. Freeman and Company.



  • MWF 11:00 Am - 11:50 AM, Room 140 Henry Administration Building

Instuctor Contact Information:

Name Abdulla Eid
Office 155 Altgeld Hall
Office Hours M-TR 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Class Notes: (Scanned)

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 16
  • Section 17.4
  • Chapter 22
  • Section 17.5


  • Three years of high school mathematics, including two years of algebra and one year of geometry.


  • For All Practical Purposes: Mathematical Literacy In Today's World. 9th ed, W.H. Freeman and Company.


  • Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, by K. Rosen; Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2011. (highly recommended)
  • Discrete Mathematics with Applications, by S. Epp; Fourth Edition, Brooks Cole,2010. (recommended)
  • Identification Numbers and Check Digit Schemes, by J. Kirtland; First Edition, MAA, 2001
  • Game Theory and Strategy, by P. Straffin; First Edition, MAA, 1993
  • Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction, by A. Hausman, H. Kahane, P. Tidman; twelveth Edition, Wadsworth Publishing, 2012


To check your grades for the quizzes and the exams, Log in here.

Quiz Topic Date Solution
Quiz 1 Cahpter 1: Euler Circuits Jan 23, 2013 Solution
Quiz 2 Section 2.1, 2.2,2.3: Hamiltonian Circuits Jan 30, 2013
Quiz 3 Section 2.4: Mininum Spanning Trees and Shortest path algorithm Feb 6, 2013
Quiz 4 Cahpter 3: Machine Scheduling Feb 13, 2013
Quiz 5 Chapter 8: Probability Feb 13 , 2013 Solution
Quiz 6 Cahpter 12: Fair Division March 6, 2013
Quiz 7 Chapter 17.4: Illinois Driver's License number March 13 , 2013 Solution
Quiz 8 (Take-Home) Cahpter 17: Cryptography April 3 , 2013 Solution
Quiz 9 Cahpter 22: Borrowing Models April 10 , 2013 Solution
Quiz 10 Cahpter 17: Logic 1 April 17, 2013 Solution
Quiz 11 Cahpter 17: Logic 2 May 1, 2013


  • Homework 1: due Friday January 25, 2013
    • chapter 1: 4,15,16, 18, 21,34

  • Homework 2: due Friday February 1, 2013
    • chapter 2: 12,46,47,48,50,56,57

  • Homework 3: due Friday February 8, 2013
    • chapter 2: 33,36,56,57,60, find the shortest path between vertices a and d in the graphs of exercise 67 and 48(a).

  • Homework 4: due Friday February 15, 2013
    • chapter 2: 74,79
    • chapter 3: 6,9,14,19,25

  • Homework 5: due Friday March 1, 2013
    • chapter 3: 42,53,74
    • chapter 8: 5, 8, 15 (b) , 23 ,25

  • Homework 6: due Friday March 8, 2013
    • chapter 13: 4,13,15,19,22,28

  • Homework 7: due Friday March 15, 2013
    • chapter 16: 12,14,15,21,24,88,87,83

  • Homework 8: due Friday April 12, 2013
    • chapter 17: 30,34,39
    • chapter 22: 2,6,19,25

Tests Date & Time:

Test Date Time Solution
Exam 1 Friday, February 22 , 2013 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM Solution
Exam 2 Friday, March 29 , 2013 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM Solution
Exam 3 Friday, April 26 , 2013 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM Solution
Final Monday, May 6, 2013 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Grading Policy:

  • Quizzes: 15%
  • Homework: 10%
  • Exam 1: 15%
  • Exam 2: 15%
  • Exam 3: 15%
  • Final: 30%
  • Total: 100%

Academic Integrity:

Cheating is strictly prohibited and will result in serious consequences. In particular, cheating may result in an "F" for the course and be reported to both the student's college and the Senate Committee on Student Discipline. Using of any outside materials, looking at another student's exam or using cell phones might be consider as a cheating (whether or not you get benefit from it). For more information, refer to the student code (Article 4 part 1).


Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to participate in this class should see me and contact DRES as soon as possible.


If you have an illness, accident, family or other emergency that prohibits you from participating in any aspect of this course, you must have the Dean on Duty send me a letter to excuse you from your absence. You can contact the Dean on Duty at (217) 333--0050 or email: For more information go to Dean on Duty website .

The Classroom Decorum

The classroom environment should be conductive to learning by all. please no chit-chat talks during the class. Cell phones should be turned off and put away during the class.

Copyrights © 2013. All rights reserved.
Spring 2013

For All Practical Purposes 10th Edition Chapter 2
