Foreign as it is to call up information technology, there was a time when Harry Potter wasn't a worldwide phenomenon. A fourth dimension when Daniel Radcliffe could happily cruise forth the street un-hounded, earlier he was typecast as a scarred, bespectacled wizard.

Equally the famous story goes, J.K Rowling received countless rejections and don't-give-upwardly-your-day-job-s before she struck gold and got Harry Potter a publisher. If that'southward not a super inspirational story, I don't know what is. Hang in in that location, friends, and i day you may too have a wickedly snarky Twitter account similar Rowling's.

Not to mention the multi-millions and the worldwide glory status, of class. Information technology's so poetic to think that the words "at that place won't be a child in our globe who doesn't know his proper noun," spoken early on in Wizard's Rock, would actually come up true in our ain world.

A mega successful serial of novels wasn't plenty, and so Harry Potter became a mega successful movie franchise too. When fifty-fifty that didn't suffice, the character expanded into theme parks, resorts and all manner of other things. He's now a pop culture phenomenon in his ain right like Mickey Mouse, Mario and the like.

Now, that may sound like a positive, only let's not forget one thing: As Uncle Ben once (more than or less) said, with bully popularity comes great quantities of snarky memes. That's what the limelight does to y'all. With that in mind, let's check out some of the great Harry Potter memes out there. These are solid gold.

25 Worse Than The Battle Of Hogwarts

1- When Draco And Lord Voldemort Share The Most Horrifically Awkward Hug Of All Time

Now, as all us fans know, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows represented a darn harrowing fourth dimension in Potter history. Everything had been leading to this. The Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort and his army descending on the schoolhouse, beloved characters beingness lost left, correct and centre… it was serious concern, whichever way you slice it.

Whether we're talking about the book or the picture, it was a darn emotional rollercoaster.

Withal, none of that prepared united states of america for what is possible the nigh painfully awkward moment in cinematic history: the hug between Draco Malfoy and the Dark Lord.

Now, granted, we've got to exist fair to Voldemort here. The guy probably hasn't hugged anyone before in his entirely miserly life. He did endeavour. I'm not blaming him, I'm just saying that the whole thing was beyond cringetastic.

24 The Sorting Hat Gets A Day Job


In the books, we see that the Sorting Hat sings a song of its own limerick each year, earlier sorting the students into their houses. At 1 stage, Ron jokes that information technology probably spends the rest of the year thinking up the lyrics for the next one.

Which got me thinking, what does the lid exercise when it isn't sorting? Sit up there on a shelf on Dumbledore's office? That'south what Rowling would have united states of america believe, certain, but surely in that location's more than to the story than that?

Of grade there is. I tin exclusively reveal that information technology spends the rest of its time every bit a miserable-looking traffic cone. This meme comes with the exciting bonus of bringing united states of america Hagrid in a hard hat, which is something I can safely say I had never seen in my life before.

23 Molly Weasley Isn't A Mom To Mess With

3- When Molly Weasley Isn't A Mom To Mess With

In many ways, Molly Weasley is the perfect model of mom-ishness. She'southward loving, encouraging and accommodating, and she makes darn sure that you've eaten properly at all times.

She's like an overzealous waiter at a Chinese buffet, who'll whip your plate away before you lot've even finished chewing and ship you off for more.

At the same time, though, when you screw up, she's not afraid to country on you similar a sumo wrestler and fix you straight. That Howler she sent after Ron flew the Ford Anglia to Hogwarts? That's tough beloved, correct there. She'south a super tough lady in general, come to that, equally nosotros saw during her defence force of the schoolhouse in Deathly Hallows. Molly may expect frumpy, but she's not to be underestimated.

22 When Harry Potter Made That Old Spice Commercial

4- When Harry Potter Made That Old Spice Commercial
Via: The Listicles

At present, similar merely about the entire population of the Earth, I'g not a fan of commercials. When you're watching something on YouTube and you get lumbered with the longest, unskippable ads, information technology's surprising how rapidly your patience tin completely erode.

If there's one commercial I do enjoy, though (and in that location is merely ane), it's the Old Spice one from a few years dorsum.

The way information technology'due south shot, the quickfire nature, the snark… information technology'southward just perfect. I've never used an Quondam Spice product in my life, you understand, merely I can appreciate information technology nonetheless.

As such, this meme is one of my all-time favourites in the Harry Potter sphere. I don't know if anyone's ever brought this idea up to Daniel Radcliffe, merely it's worth a shot at the very to the lowest degree.

21 When Voldemort'due south Name Isn't Tim, Just It Definitely Should Be

5- When Voldemort's Name Isn't Tim, But It Definitely Should Be
Via: ThoughtCo

In that location's a subtle motif that runs through the Harry Potter series. And then subtle, in fact, I don't know if y'all've picked up on information technology. If not, I'll share information technology with you now:

Voldemort isn't all that keen on the name Tom.

I know, correct? I was shocked when someone pointed it out to me, also, simply apparently there are low-key hints of this throughout the serial.

The affair is, if you lot're trying to brand a name for yourself as a globally-feared super-villain sort of wizard, Tom but doesn't quite convey that. It'due south a perfectly good name, don't become me incorrect, but it's not the about fearfulness- and/or awe-inspiring, is information technology?

Tim, on the other hand, would have been just perfect. Now that just exudes ability and malice.

20 When Snape's Swag Is Always On

6- When Snape's Swag Is ALWAYS On

Equally a general dominion, I tend to be much more than of a volume fan than a movie fan. This isn't and then I tin sit smugly in the theater and sneer at everybody who missed this or that reference because they haven't read it, you understand. That'southward just the manner I am. I'm one of those odd people who'd have "English Literature With Extra Wordy Reading Course" at university, just and then I could practice a ton of reading.

When comparing the Potter novels with the movies, I'thousand always surprised by the character of Snape. Alan Rickman brought something special to the part, brought out a kind of swagger in Snape that I didn't come across coming. It'southward just perfect, though, and I'm so, so glad that he did.

19 When The Sorting Chapeau Gives You The Hufflepuff Treatment


Early in Magician's Rock, both earlier and presently subsequently his arrival at Hogwarts, Harry is bombarded with one message: Hufflepuff suck. They're "a load o' duffers," Hagrid told him, and Draco Malfoy said he'd just turn around and go habitation if the Sorting Hat tried to place him there.

Fans effectually the globe, naturally, feel some kind of way about this reputation.

According to Pottermore, I'm a Hufflepuff myself, and I'm down with that.

The virtues of kindness, hard work and generosity have e'er been super important to me, as they have to anybody else who takes these sorts of things far too seriously.

Even with all of that said, information technology'south truthful that Cedric Diggory is pretty much the only notable Hufflepuff in the serial, and he was both introduced and washed away with in the same book/movie.

18 When Snape Wears Your Grandma's Clothes And Looks Incredible

8- When Snape Wears Your Grandma's Clothes And Looks Incredible
Via: Smosh

We've already touched on Alan Rickman's performance as Severus Snape, merely I call up it needs stating again: it'due south fantastic. Rickman was ever known for his unique acting style (his trademark curiously looooong speech pattern, missssssster Potter), for bringing something a little special to each of the characters he portrayed.

Somehow, Snape-Rickman just managed to own every scene he appeared in. With every hair-flip of that greasy black wig, you expected him to drop the hottest mixtape of 2018 (featuring merely a comprehend of You're And so Vain, naturally).

For this scene in Prisoner of Azkaban, he had to wear Neville's vision of his grandma'south wearing apparel (to defeat a creature that feeds on fears but making information technology 'funny'; Neville's greatest fright beingness Snape).

He even managed to rock that getup. I just cannot even.

17 When Vernon Dursley Was Really The Star Of The Prove All Forth

9- When Vernon Dursley Was Really The Star Of The Show All Along
Via: Know Your Meme

History is written by the winners, equally they say. At present, nobody'south maxim that Harry Potter lead a charmed, super perfect life what with Voldemort and all, merely he'south the biggest deal around here. Do you know how you tell? Because his name's emblazoned all over the books, movies and countless slews of merchandise, that'southward how.

As the protagonist, you've got to wait him to have the plot armour, the well-nigh important set-pieces, all of those sorts of things. It probably worked out for the all-time, in terms of an interesting narrative, merely is this really off-white?

I'd sure similar to take heard the whole story from Uncle Vernon's perspective.

I'm not sure his usual daily routine would have really carried u.s.a. along for seven novels (Vernon Dursley And The Tedious 9-5 Yet Over again), but information technology'southward just a thought.

xvi Captain Jack Sparrow: Hogwarts Teacher

10- When Captain Jack Sparrow Becomes A Hogwatrs Teacher

The Pirates of the Caribbean movies really surprised me. I'1000 no Disney vitrify, and I didn't pay any attention when Pirates of the Caribbean area: The Curse of the Black Pearl hit theaters back in 2003. I'm a huge fan of Johnny Depp, only even that didn't convince me to spring on board with the series at kickoff.

I was bought The Curse of the Blackness Pearl equally a gift, eventually deigned to picket it, and was diddled away. It's now one of my favourite fantasy picture show franchises of all time, correct alongside Harry Potter.

You don't see many memes that combine the two, so when you find 1, you've got to appreciate information technology. Equally far every bit I'thousand concerned, Jack Sparrow would fit right in with the eccentric cast of Harry Potter.

15 When The Haters Need To Larn To Appreciate

11- When The Haters Need To Learn To Appreciate

Now, Harry Potter may be a multi-1000000 selling franchise, i of the biggest phenomena in the history of the written word, merely you can't please everyone. Universal popularity is completely impossible, or equally the internet likes to say, haters gonna hate.

Myself, I'm a huge fan, simply everyone's totally welcome to their own stance. You do y'all, I'll do me.

Simply make sure that, if you lot are antisocial, yous're hating for the right reasons.

For me, disliking something that's popular is totally fine. That'due south all well and practiced. Disliking something merely because it's popular, on the other hand, like falling out of the petty tree and hitting every darn petty branch on the way down. Heck, it'due south similar getting your petty sweater snagged on one of the petty branches, being stuck dangling from the petty tree, and needing the petty burn service to climb upwards and rescue you.

14 When Hermione Has To Teach Voldemort What'due south What

12- When Hermione Has To Teach Voldemort What's What
Via: Pinterest (@Obsidian Rose)

As Potter heads will know, the and then-called Golden Trio took quite a darn while to form. Ron and Harry fabricated friends at that place and and then, on their very first trip to the Hogwarts Express, but Hermione? This know-it-all took some time to become friends with the boys.

It wasn't until the battle with the troll in the daughter'south toilets that the three became friends. Later all, "information technology'southward leviOsah, not levioSAH" really isn't the way to get people to like you.

They're sure lucky that they did bring the super smart Hermione on board, though. Never mind the climactic battle with the Dark Lord, these two could barely cease a homework essay without Hermione's assist. The fate of the whole wizarding world could have gone entirely differently if there hadn't been a TROOOOOOLL IN THE DUNGEON that solar day.

13 When Arthur Weasley Can't Handle The Internet

13- When Arthur Weasley Can't Handle The Internet

The Weasley family unit are notorious for their Muggle-loving means. The Malfoy family, sycophantic Voldemort toadies that they are, refer to these Weasleys every bit blood traitors. These are wizards and witches from pure blood (solely magical) families who aren't raging d-bags to Muggles and Muggle borns.

Arthur Weasley, begetter of the huge Weasley brood, is the one who takes this whole concept the furthest. He collects spark plugs, batteries and other substitute-for-magic doodahs, and quizzes Harry on what exactly rubber ducks are used for.

He'south non only tolerant and friendly to non-magical people, he's obsessed with them.

As such, smartphones would be way too much for this guy to deal with. The hop from dial-upwardly cyberspace to surfing the spider web in the palm of your manus on the toilet but took a couple of decades. If you don't think that's magic right at that place, you're wrong.

12 When Hermione Strikes A Blow For All Witchkind

14- When Hermione Strikes A Blow For All Witchkind
Via: Amino Apps

Now, I don't know if you've noticed, but the aging process certain was kind to the cast of the Harry Potter movies. But look at Matthew Lewis in the offset picture, and contrast that with him in the last. He's far from an isolated case, as well. I don't know what was in the water at Hogwarts, but it sure did these guys and gals the earth of good.

Emma Watson certain is a cute young woman. She has also, since the close of the serial, been a sworn administrator for women'due south rights, and is ever bit the potent and inspiring woman JK Rowling wanted Hermione to be. This is something we need to encounter more of in movies and books. A little more Hermione, a niggling less Bella.

11 When Goyle'due south Snark Is Completely On Point

15- When Goyle's Snark Is Completely On Point
Via: Amino Apps

Sometimes, equally they say, simpler is amend. Whether we're talking about a minimalist decorating mode or a perfect, straight-to-the-point meme, information technology doesn't pay to get all wrapped up in colour swatches, trying to exist too original or complicated references.

Harry and Ron'due south brief trip into the Slytherin mutual room (under the effects of Polyjuice potion, disguised as Crabbe and Goyle) is a Potter moment that often gets the meme treatment. It'due south an piece of cake target, after all.

You just supervene upon that second frame with anyone you feel like snarking at, and y'all're all set.

For the sake of this entry, I felt like just going with a classic. This scene itself, and so a cheap, obligatory Bieber joke. The Canadian crooner is used to this sort of thing past now, surely?

10 Allow's Face Information technology: Umbridge Was Worse Than Voldemort


So far in this rundown, we've looked at all kinds of Harry Potter in-jokes and references. These are things that long-time fans are sure to appreciate, but it's non all about that. Even someone with slim-to-bupkis knowledge of the franchise can probably tell y'all that Voldemort is the villain of the piece. That'due south page one of Harry Potter For Dummies, right there.

If you've dug a petty deeper, though, you'll know that this woman is infinitely more loathsome.

The reasons for this are quite plain, what with her punishment quills and all, only for me, information technology was more the way she presented herself. That insipid role, those vivid pink clothes… it'south and then sickly sugariness, she'd give you multiple cavities just by looking at you.

Oh, Umbridge.

9 Later All This Fourth dimension (You're Withal Harry Potter)? E'er.

17- After All This Time (You're Still Harry Potter) Always
Via: Brute Jam Fans Wiki

For any actress or player, typecasting tin be a real and mortiferous problem. Nonetheless much you lot may enjoy a particular function or kind of roles, is that what yous desire to exist known equally for the rest of your life? Sometimes it is. Possibly y'all take pride in being 'that activeness movie guy,' for case.

Some actors take simply mastered their niche and have pride in it.

Others aren't about that life at all. Harry Potter changed Daniel Radcliffe's life forever, in all kinds of new and heady ways. Does he desire it to define him forever, though? No. Since the serial concluded, he'due south taken on a diverse range of roles, and performed super well in them. I loved him in The Woman In Black, but I however struggle to see him equally anyone other than Harry Potter.

8 When Y'all Just Can't Let Ravenclaw'due south Non-Raven Symbol Become

18- When You Just Can't Let Ravenclaw's Non-Raven Symbol Go

As I say, I'k a huge fan of the franchise. I've read the books and watched the movies many, many times over. I've eaten the sweets, collected the figures, played the video games, worn the apparel, all of those sorts of things.

While I'm a big fan, I'm no fan boy. In that location'southward an important distinction, which by and large means being able to accept that the object of your affections has flaws.

I can totally accept that. There are all kinds of niggling piddling problems with Harry Potter for me. Things I don't quite disagree with, things that don't make sense so forth. What's the most egregious of these? The fact that Ravenclaw house's symbol is an eagle and not a raven, that's what. The clue'south correct there in the name.

Why not just make Gryffindor's the giant squid?

7 When Draco Malfoy Unleashes The Full Power Of His Snark


Earlier, nosotros touched on the importance of first impressions. How Harry and Ron despised Hermione on first meeting her, and how the boys were darn close to remaining a twosome forever. That would've been disastrous for them, as I say, just information technology actually says something almost how hard bad first impressions are to recover from.

How near Draco Malfoy? Right from their outset run into, he's giving it the full "my father is super" rich spiel, and judging the Weasleys for their lack of money and general ginger-ness.

He's a d-pocketbook in the books, and a jerk in the movies.

In the video games, however, he takes it to a whole new level. Check this meme out. Here he is, in full hilariously blocky PS1 glory, roasting Harry to an absolute crisp. Now that's an ouch. You simply tin can't compete with wit like that.

six When Doc Who Villains Sneak Into The Potterverse

20- When Doctor Who Villains Sneak Into The Potterverse

If you're not a Md Who fan, you're probably not familiar with a devious alien race known equally the Silence. This odd race of humanoid beings has the unique ability to brand themselves instantly forgettable; anyone who encounters one will take no retentivity of it as soon every bit they look abroad. They'll retain whatever suggestions or information the Silence has given them, though.

These aliens, then, have been able to insidiously take control of humanity and shape events, entirely undetected.

It's a agonizing concept, much more frightening than a simple toothy monstrosity chasing you around and roaring.

You'd amend have intendance then, Neville Longbottom. Those things you've forgotten could be far, far more than serious than simply put your darn underwear in the hamper rather than leaving on the floor, y'all lazy swine.